I think his favourite hymns were, “It Is Well with My Soul” & “Courage, Brother, Do Not Stumble”   and I vividly remember all the parade sessions and when we would sing this and many other hymns. I still have notebooks with some of his quotations and words of advice. He spilled wisdom and insights anytime he opened his mouth to talk. He wasted no words.

He was literally a father figure to me, a mentor, and a guide. When I recall of his care and kindness towards us, students, at Kitondo Boys School, I find it hard to find a comparison.

He molded and guided us like his own, blood boys, yet we were hundreds in numbers. How can one person make hundreds of teenage boys feel like he was giving them personal attention?

I remember due to financial difficulties, I joined form one around 3 weeks to the end of term one. Yet, out of courtesy, he had reserved a place, admission for me nevertheless.

Mr. Timothy Mutiso Wambua, HSC was not only a chief principal, but also a down to earth teacher whose influence is eternal. Anyone who studied under his administration can attest to that fact.

He found time to personalize his attention towards each and every student.

Even years later after parting ways at Kitondo Boys, he still would reach out to his boys. Around 2014, he even called some us to go and speak to students at his new school, Mumbuni Boys School.

He even at one point also organized a business deal for me, and that helped me survive for some weeks, a time when I was 100% cash strapped immediately after completing my campus studies.

I now fully understand that we can only leave kindly acts of love once we breathe our last air. For those left above the ground, we can only recall such.

He used to say, “We should utilize the resources that we have without grudge.” Make lemonade out of the lemons that nature gives you.

“Whether it is the best of times or the worst of times, it’s the only time we have and it’s up to us to stop complaining and make the best of it”

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”


It is a cliché, but life is short.

You have got to do what you can now.

Love now.

Try now.

Write now.

Live now.

Do it now.

And if you are afraid, try this fear setting exercise suggested by Tim Ferris:



Adieu, RIP SCUD, Timothy Mutiso Wambua.



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