A Few Lessons I Learnt in 2022

Motivational books, coaches, motivational speakers, etc., have their place in life, but they can’t change your life. We only take action when it’s the only remaining action we can take. When it’s the only option, we have. We seek advice when we have options, mark...

Timothy Mutiso Wambua

  I think his favourite hymns were, “It Is Well with My Soul” & “Courage, Brother, Do Not Stumble”   and I vividly remember all the parade sessions and when we would sing this and many other hymns. I still have notebooks with some of his...

Teaching As I see It

One of the noblest of occupations in the world is teaching. Few activities can be equalled to the joy that one has when passing knowledge and skills to others. I started teaching immediately after completing my high school studies. Before I joined the university to...