So my friends, acquintances, and work colleagues always tell me, “Lighten up, enjoy life, enjoy our jokes,” they say.
I find myself responding with all seriousness to what they would call jokes. Somehow I have my own hidden sense of humour, I have a version of jokes I enjoy. Or I don’t joke? I don’t know.

Because of this seemingly serious take on life, I normally find myself engaging in long fruitless arguments with people. And some friends have perfected the art of baiting and trapping me in such.

As long as I can remember and observe from my early childhood photos, I have always been serious or rather I always had a serious countenance. I guess it is in my personality and circumstances surrounding my upbringing. Can I change, I do not know.

Check the picture proofs below the post!

As a result, I do not feign happiness nor smile fakingly.I find it an impossible task. I will respond to genuine smiles in an equal measure. I am learning to fake smiles, or to smile anyway.
I am not accustomed to touch or touching (though this is learnable),ironically I really yearn for hugs too. I feel this guy here, said how I feel. I am learning how to greet, hug …still learning.

I somehow find joy in solitude or any stimulating conversations, reading and watching movies.

I enjoy jokes based on reality and not lies (white or black lies).I cannot help myself on this.

Will I ever change, I do not know. It’s sort of beyond my knowledge.

I still have light moments, and I enjoy life as well.

Why am I writing this? Perhaps as a response to those who still think I take life too serious. It is therapeutic too.

I too sometimes think I take life seriously. Why?

  • I feel I must defend myself constantly

But I have grown.

  • I can laugh at myself and my past mistakes without shame or embarrassment.
  • I do not get offended when other people question my beliefs. Instead I enjoy explaining my beliefs.
  • I am learning to enjoy life in the now despite the many goals I try to create and achieve.
  • I am learning to compare myself with myself and not with others.

“Don’t take life too seriously; nobody ever makes it out alive anyway.” – Van Wilder, but who cares?


Another defense against my accusers is found here.

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