Up in some lone football field,

In a dark lonesome place,

Where the crickets out-chirped,

As they made their mating calls.


There we met honey babe,

And sat on a green bench,

That swore to bear our weight,

As we sipped our Ksh100 orange juice.


You, as gentle as a lamb,

And I, as anxious as a fawn,

Deep silence descended upon us,

As we prepared to evaluate our journey of lust,


You said you were looking for someone,

Never weak but always strong,

To protect and defend you,

Someone who will promise never to part.


You said you were looking for a man,

To make jokes constantly,

To make you laugh hysterically,

But it is not me honey babe.


Everything inside of me is made of stone,

There is nothing in here moving,

I won’t gather flowers for you,

Nor answer each time you call.


You said you were looking for a man,

To close his eyes for you, to die for you,

A man to close his heart for you.

It is not me you are looking for.


You said you were looking for freeholder,

Who owns a house and land?

And all the fine things that a big house can hold,

It is not me you are looking for.


Go lightly on the ledge; go lightly on your list,

Go lightly on me and take a look at my life,

I am not like you,

I only needed someone to love all day through.


I have been meek, I have been hard,

I have been mean, I have been scatterbrained,

I know friends arrive, and friends disappear,

But if you still want me, I’ll be here.


I dream of you wherever I go.

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